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Keynote Lectures

Understanding Causal Modelling to Support Decision-making Tasks in Cooperative-competitive Frameworks
Miquel Àngel Piera Eroles, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain

Modeling Performance and Energy Efficiency of Virtualized Flexible Networks
Franco Davoli, University of Genoa, Italy

Cyber Systems Risk – an Opportunity for Model Based Engineering & Design
Jerry Couretas, Independent Researcher, United States


Understanding Causal Modelling to Support Decision-making Tasks in Cooperative-competitive Frameworks

Miquel Àngel Piera Eroles
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Brief Bio
Miquel is full time Professor in the System Engineering Department at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Miquel graduated with excellence from UAB in Computer Engineering (1988), MSc from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in Control Engineering (1991), and PhD from UAB in 1993. Dr Piera is UAB delegate for Technical Innovation Cluster, former deputy director of the UAB Engineering School and director of LogiSim (research group on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems). He is member of the Editorial Board of several  international journals in the area of modelling and simulation. Dr. Piera has received several awards and recognitions, among which it is mentioned the “Outstanding Professional Contribution Award “ from the international Society for Computer Simulation (SCS) in USA in 2013 and the “William Sweet Smith Prize” from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 2015. He has coordinated as Scientific Coordinator more than 10 Spanish research projects and more than 20 Industrial funded projects, he has also participated in a number of EC funded research and academic projects. At present Dr. Piera is IP of 2 international aeronautical management AGENT ( and PARTAKE ( relying on advanced simulation tools. He is author of more than 100 scientific papers, 9 scientific books and has been invited as Keynote speaker in more than 10 international conferences.

Decision Support systems (DSS) are key competitive components in most transport, manufacturing and service enterprises to succeed with the right coordination of activities considering the performance indicators designed in each particular business model.  In present high flexible multi-stakeholder scenarios, DSS must evolve towards cooperative-competitive frameworks in which well accepted indicators such as fairness, equity and transparency are challenges that lacks of tools to reach a consensus.
Modelling and simulation plays an important role for the functional and non-functional integration of the DSS in which a deep understanding of the system dynamics is essential to avoid fragmented resolutions that focus on strategic, tactical or operational dynamics that causes emergent dynamics affecting some stakeholder’s goals.
The talk will examine a holistic modelling approach for a proper integration of DSS  in a cooperative-competitive framework and will present some relevant results that can be achieved by means of causal models applied to very demanding systems.



Modeling Performance and Energy Efficiency of Virtualized Flexible Networks

Franco Davoli
University of Genoa

Brief Bio
Franco Davoli is Full Professor of Telecommunication Networks at the University of Genoa, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, and Naval Architecture (DITEN). His current research interests are in dynamic resource allocation in multiservice networks and in the Future Internet, wireless mobile and satellite networks, multimedia communications and services, and in flexible, programmable and energy-efficient networking. He has co-authored over 350 scientific publications in international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. In 2004 and 2011 he was Visiting Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. He has been Principal Investigator in a large number of projects and has served in several positions in the Italian National Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), an independent organization joining 37 universities all over Italy. He was co-founder and Head, for the term 2003–2004, of the CNIT National Laboratory for Multimedia Communications, Naples, Italy, and Vice-President of the CNIT Management Board for the term 2005–2007. He is currently Head of the federated CNIT National Laboratory of Smart, Sustainable and Secure Internet Technologies and Infrastructures (S3ITI), based in Genoa, Italy, and coordinator of the H2020 5G PPP MATILDA project. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

Flexibility and programmability are two keywords that increasingly characterize the evolution of modern networking towards a multi-purpose service-aware infrastructure. They stem from the necessity to deal with diverse and integrating paradigms as 5G, the Internet of Services, and the Internet of Things (IoT), among others. This evolution is being primarily addressed by an aggressive use of “softwarization” of networking functionalities, by means of the paradigms of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN). Essentially, from the point of view of the network operator, the adoption of these two paradigms sets the premises for the application of more sophisticated and informationally richer management and control of the network, which may evolve toward a more hierarchical (vs. distributed) structure, allowing to act upon and coordinate system dynamics spanning multiple and widely different time scales. However, this increased control capability will have to deal with requirements implied by Terabit transport, highly broadband wireless and wired access, zero-loss and low-latency services, as well as with energy consumption issues. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be kept as constraints or to be simultaneously optimized for the best possible tradeoff may become increasingly complex, and require the development of new models able to capture the highly dynamic and multi-faceted nature of both virtual and physical resources. The talk will examine this networking scenario, along with its main architectural paradigms, KPIs, and challenges, and will present some of the modeling and control techniques that appear to be suitable to address the most relevant tradeoffs in the allocation of resources in the network.



Cyber Systems Risk – an Opportunity for Model Based Engineering & Design

Jerry Couretas
Independent Researcher
United States

Brief Bio
Dr. Couretas graduated Magna Cum Laude from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, Michigan, in 1988; developing the electrical system on the Ford Villager / Nissan Quest, from initial prototyping to production, after graduation.  Dr. Couretas then studied under Dr. Bernard P. Zeigler, focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Simulation, at the University of Arizona, earning his PhD is in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1998.  Dr. Couretas is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation (JDMS), a journal of the Society of Modeling and Simulation (SCS), where he has served in a number of roles, including President, during the 2012 – 2013 term.  More recently, Dr. Couretas served as the Technology Line of Operations lead at the Department of Defense’s Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office (DM&SCO), leading DM&SCO’s Cyber Modeling and Simulation Technical Working Group and serving on the DM&SCO representative to North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Modeling and Simulation Group 117 (NMSG 117) cyber modeling and simulation (M&S) for network defense.

Cyber risk, a serious threat to system operability for both commercial and defense systems, is ripe for the application of modeling and simulation (M&S) across a system’s lifecycle for building in security at the design, development and operations phases of complex systems being developed today.  In addition, M&S has the breadth and depth to evaluate the complex combinations that compose a system’s people, process and technology implementations;  providing a wide opportunity horizon for today’s researchers and engineering students, in developing the methodologies, tools and techniques for both assured cyber operations and the potential for a true realization of model-based design, development and control.
