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Keynote Lectures

Co-simulation: A Research Agenda
Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Model-based Approaches for Interoperability of Next Generation Organization Information Systems: State of the Art and Future Challenges
Gregory Zacharewicz, IMT - Mines Ales, France

The Vital Role of Simulation for Many Disciplines: A Desirable Shift of Paradigm from Model-Based Paradigm to Simulation-Based Paradigm
Tuncer Ören, University of Ottawa, Canada


Co-simulation: A Research Agenda

Hans Vangheluwe
University of Antwerp

Brief Bio
Hans Vangheluwe is a Professor in the Antwerp Systems and Software Modelling (AnSyMo) group within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, where he is a founding member of the NEXOR Consortium on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). AnSyMo is a Core Research Lab of Flanders Make, the strategic research centre for the Flemish manufacturing industry. He heads the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab (MSDL), distributed over the University of Antwerp and McGill University in Montreal, Canada. His fundamental work covers the foundations of modelling and simulation, of model management, model transformation, and domain-specific (visual) modelling environments. This work is always accompanied by prototype tools such as PythonPDEVS, the Modelverse, T-Core, AToM3 and AToMPM.

The relationship between system integrators and their suppliers puts ever increasing demands on modelling and simulation technology.
The supplier wants (1) to evaluate, using modelling and simulation, the suitability/optimality of a single component available multiple suppliers
and (2) to perform early system integration and evaluation of multiple heterogeneous components developed by different suppliers. The evaluation may cover both functional and non-functional (e.g., safety, energy efficiency) properties. The challenge is to perform full-system evaluation while keeping supplier IP protected.

In this presentation, different alternative solutions will be investigated, with a particular focus on co-simulation. In co-simulation, suppliers share only pre-compiled components, known as Functional Mockup Units (FMUs). The FMUs hide IP, but do expose sufficient information in their API to allow for meaningful orchestrated co-simulation. The current Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) standard defines both an intra-FMU model-simulation solver interface and an extra-FMU interface between the FMU (a model/simulation solver combination) and the context in which it is used. FMUs are commonly combined using a "master" simulator which orchestrates the interleaving of the individual simulators.

An obvious challenge with pre-compiled components which expose only limited information is to guarantee overall correct simulation results. Correctness ranges from numerical stability to satisfying domain invariants (e.g., physics conservation laws). At the root of this is the need for compositionality of the components.

The presentation will further explore some research challenges: optimizing overall simulation performance by constructing optimal master algorithms; the combination of multiple modelling formalisms (in particular, continuous-discrete combinations); the inclusion of models at different levels of abstraction in a single FMU; support for dynamic-structure models, including possible changes in computational causality; the introduction of non-deterministic models, to for example model the environment in which a system operates.



Model-based Approaches for Interoperability of Next Generation Organization Information Systems: State of the Art and Future Challenges

Gregory Zacharewicz
IMT - Mines Ales

Brief Bio
Gregory Zacharewicz is Full Professor at IMT – Mines Ales (National Institute of Mines and Telecommunications) in Alès, France. He recently joined in 2018 the LGI2P lab to develop simulation driven research works. This lab works on the relationship between humans and the complex systems while keeping their roots in the field of Information Science and Technology. He was previously Associate Professor at the University of Bordeaux (2007-2018) where he focused his research for more than 10 years on Enterprise and Social Organization Modelling, Interoperability and Simulation.More generally, his research interests include Discrete Event Modelling (e.g. DEVS, G-DEVS), Distributed Simulation, Distributed Synchronization Algorithms, HLA, FEDEP, MDA, Short lived Ontologies, ERP, BPMN, and Workflow.He recently co-wrote with a worldwide team of authors the prospective chapter “Model-based approaches for interoperability of next generation enterprise information systems: state of the art and future challenges”.In the domain of Healthcare methodologies and technologies, he co-wrote in 2018 with Bernard P. Zeigler, Mamadou K. Traore and Raphaël Duboz the book “Value-based Learning Healthcare Systems: Integrative modeling and simulation”.He has been the program chair of Springsim 2016 in Pasadena, vice-general chair of SpringSim 2017 in Virginia Beach and the general chair of SpringSim 2018 in Baltimore. He is member of editorial board of Sage Simulation Journal, JSimE and SNE journals.He is involved in several French, European and Transatlantic projects. Among them, he led for IMS the project DIAMANTR “Digital Advanced Manufacturing & Technologies Research”, (2015–2019), the project FUI SIMID “Integrated and Distributed Information System for Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO)” (2010-2014) and the project RAPID DGA SICOMORES “Constructive Modeling and Simulation of the effects of Operations of influenced in social networks” (2013-2016).

Enterprise businesses are more than ever challenged by competitors that frequently refine and tailor their offers to clients. In this context, enterprise information systems (EIS) are especially important because: (1) they remain one of the last levers to increase the performance and competitiveness of the enterprise, (2) we operate in a business world where the product itself has reached a limit of performance and quality due to uniform capacity of industrial tools in a globalized economy and (3) the EIS can increase the product value thanks to additional digital services (built on data associated to the product) in order to meet and fit better client’s needs.

However, the use of EISs reaches a limit in collaborative environments because enterprises management methods diverge and EISs are mainly inflexible resource packages that are not built with an interoperability objective. Consequently, we need to make EISs interoperable in order to achieve the needed gains competitiveness and performance.

This keynote can be summarized as follows: (1) it will try to relate existing work and it examines barriers that, at the moment, are preventing further improvements due to current methodological and techno- logical limits, and (2) it will propose a conceptual framework and five challenges that model based approaches must overcome to achieve interoperability between EIS in the near and long term. (3) It will draw out how the use of simulation can support the model based approaches in the journey from concepts to technical deployment. As well, it will discuss the position of human as individual and member of social networks in this process.



The Vital Role of Simulation for Many Disciplines: A Desirable Shift of Paradigm from Model-Based Paradigm to Simulation-Based Paradigm

Tuncer Ören
University of Ottawa

Brief Bio
Tuncer Ören is a professor emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has been involved with simulation since 1965. His research interests include: (1) advancing modeling and simulation methodologies; (2) agent-directed simulation (full synergy of agents and simulation); (3) agents for cognitive and emotive simulations including representations of human personality, emotions, emotional intelligence, understanding, sources of misunderstanding and conflict; (4) reliability, quality assurance, failure avoidance, and ethics; as well as (5) body of knowledge and (6) terminology of modeling simulation. He has over 540 publications –some translated in Chinese, German and Turkish– including 50 books and proceedings. He has contributed to over 500 conferences and seminars held in 40 countries. He has been keynote or invited speaker, or honorary chair in about half of them. Dr. Ören has been recognized, by IBM Canada, as a pioneer of computing in Canada. He received "Information Age Award" from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and an Honor Award from the Language Association of Turkey. He was inducted to SCS Modeling and Simulation Hall of Fame –Lifetime Achievement Award. He is a distinguished lecturer, a fellow as well as AVP for ethics of SCS. A book about him was edited by L. Yilmaz in 2015 (Concepts and Methodologies for Modeling and Simulation: A Tribute to Tuncer Ören, Springer.)

The maturity and versatility of simulation make it a vital ingredient for many engineering, scientific, and social disciplines. Hence, a shift from model-based paradigm to simulation-based paradigm is in order. This shift brings back the philosophical work of Francis Bacon that he clarified in 1620 in his New Organon (Baconian method) as a revolt to Aristotelian approach that Aristo explained in his Organon. In late 1970s and early 1980s, the foundations of model-based approach were laid off; now the shift of paradigm to simulation-based paradigm would bring its benefits to wherever experimentation and/or experiment would be beneficial. As a recent example, one can consider what would have occurred if simulation was used to test the effect of the sensors (experimentation effect) as well as to properly train the pilots (experience effect), before the occurrence of fatal results. Simulation may require some time and may cost; however, not performing simulation may have catastrophic results. Welcome to simulation-based era.


