SIMULTECH 2013 will be held in conjunction with DATA 2013, ICSOFT 2013, ICINCO 2013 and ICETE 2013.
Registration to SIMULTECH allows free access to the DATA, ICSOFT, ICINCO and ICETE conferences (as a non-speaker).
The purpose of the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH) is to bring together researchers, engineers, applied mathematicians and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the field of system simulation. Four simultaneous tracks will be held, covering on one side domain independent methodologies and technologies and on the other side practical work developed in specific application areas. The specific topics listed under each of these tracks highlight the interest of this conference in aspects related to computing, including Conceptual Modeling, Agent Based Modeling and Simulation, Interoperability, Ontologies, Knowledge Based Decision Support, Petri Nets, Business Process Modeling and Simulation, amongst others.
Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fordham University, NY, United StatesSlawomir Koziel, Reykjavik University, Iceland
Tuncer Ören (honorary), University of Ottawa, CanadaJanusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, PolandLeifur Leifsson, Reykjavik University, Iceland
François E. Cellier, Independent Researcher, SwitzerlandAlexander Smirnov, SPC RAS, Russian Federation
Best papers with clear contributions to discrete-event simulation
will be invited to submit revised versions to the Journal of Simulation
Technically Co-sponsored by:
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Proceedings will be submitted for indexation by:
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